Oneness Experiment Stories from "Be the Light, Be the One" Winners
I share my story not to win a t-shirt but to revel in the beauty of the oneness experiments and the power that lies within us all to be the light for others.
At my job there is an employee who one day would smile and say hi and the next grumble and bark at me. On the days he would sneer I always gave him the benefit of the doubt and thought, he must be having a rough day today. I would smile anyway trying to stay in my loving. He happened to be sending out daggers instead of hearts, when one day I noticed him avoiding me but giving great big hugs and greetings to others. This opened my eyes!! He wasn't in a bad mood, nothing had happened to upset him, he was angry with me. Hurt and befuddled I stopped saying hello and avoided him at all costs. Until I started the oneness exercises.
I remember specifically the Heart of Oneness exercise. Before work I thought of this man and knew I needed to open my heart to him. I repeated "knock and be open" over and over again on my drive in to work. When I saw him I wanted to run up to him and ask him to forgive me for upsetting him. I dearly wanted to know what I had done to upset him and how I could fix it. But I stayed quiet. "knock and be open," I repeated to myself. Days went by and I desperately wanted to be brave enough to express my loving to him but I was afraid. Then came the Seeds of Oneness exercise and asked myself what seed did I want to plant for this planet and my answer was simple - love. "knock and be open" I repeated to myself at work that day, as I did every other day since that first exercise.
I am kindergarten teacher and on this particular morning I was living in such oneness with all 23 souls. I was in complete harmony and bliss. Then, he passed me. And without thought, without any consideration, words exploded from my entire being... "GOOD MORNING" I shouted with the biggest, happiest smile! My ego asked, Hey, what are you doing? Where did that come from? but I knew where it had come from.
He turned with a blank stare on his face, and then, He hugged me. He thanked me. He said God sent you to me, he knew what I needed.
As tears of thankfulness stream down my face I know that the oneness experiments not only help to heal me but they are helping me heal others. I am open and I can only do my best, I ask for nothing more than that. Just an opportunity to expand in joy, love and bliss and to share and inspire this within others.
I am so very grateful for the Proof and the Oneness Experiments, to James and to Anakha. Words cannot express my gratitude. I have shared this story with my family and they are anxious to start the next 40 days with the rest of the world. I know there is power behind the collective energy we create each day.
Kasey King
I did a shamanic journey just yesterday that was amazing. I was all of nature at once. I was an eagle soaring. I experienced what it was like to land and take off as an eagle. I felt as though I was the forest, the ground, the trees, the deer running through the forest all at the same time, seeing the perspective of each as well. I could see the trees rushing past me as I was the deer running and felt the ground beneath me. As the ground I could sense the deer and trees. I felt solid and felt my roots deep in the ground as the tree and sensed the deer rush past me.
I sensed I was moving around as a monkey, feeling my long arms and the movement of the monkey. I was the moon and also the stars.
I sensed myself being in the body of a cougar, and being the mountains and the plains. A waterfall, a snake wrapped around the tree. It ended with feeling I was the ocean. My body/energy felt fluid, I could feel and hear my waves crashing onto the shore.
It was the most beautiful and wondrous feeling to sense the Oneness; to sense my energy and even my physical body so large and all-encompassing. To experience the movement of the animals and see from their eyes.. To feel the movement of the waves as the ocean. I struggle to find words that can adequately convey the feeling of it.
Thank you for allowing me to share!
Lisa Dieken
My Journey To Oneness
My journey to Oneness likely began years ago, though I was not completely awake then.
In October, a friend showed me a book, The Proof, by James Twyman and Anakha Coman, and told me of the experiment in which she had become a part, to join with others on a journey to connect to the Universal intelligence and directly impact outcomes for our world. About this time, I had been listening to David Sereda and Gregg Braden, two men who eloquently connect our individual spirits to the Universal spirit as described through quantum mechanics. I had also been led to read Bruce Lipton’s Biology of Belief and given a list of similar books, including Eckhart Tolle’s, A New Earth, and Uell S. Andersen’s, Three Magic Words, among others.
As someone who has always been very connected to the earth and compelled to work for environmental protection and health, I was excited to learn that the Oneness experiment would continue in the New Year. Perhaps I could help bring a positive outcome to the earth during a time when nothing else seemed to make a difference.
Then in November, I attended a health and nutrition conference in Chicago and felt the energy of a thousand like-minded people surrounding me. I felt like I’d come home, to my people. It was an overwhelmingly empowering feeling. And I signed up for my first energy healing. It was an action that would change my life, I believe.
After the healing, and without too much thought to it’s effect on me, I began to notice amazing synchronicities. I felt like a kid again, spontaneous, free, joyful. Conversations flowed easily and instant connections were made. I did not want to leave the conference when it ended two days later.
Upon returning home, I awoke to my own awareness, and to something I had known all along, but had been suppressing. An eye-opening event showed me that I had been denying my authentic myself in an important relationship. A light had been turned on and my mind was suddenly open and clear, like I’d had a good brain massage. And with this awakening, I realized that I could not go back to my previous perceptions. I had transformed almost instantly.
That night I had what can be described as a Kundalini awakening. Kundalini (spiritual) energy is said to active the chakras and produces the pure-energy etheric brain, shifting brain physiology.
As I slept, I awoke to intense waves of energy flowing through the core of my body, from my heart through my solar plexus to my root chakra. An overpowering feeling of love, near ecstasy, so sweet - like chocolate syrup over butter pecan ice cream. It seemed to take hold of my entire core in warmth and burst to overflowing. There is a feeling of being lifted from the heart, as one might experience on a roller coaster just before the descent from the highest point. I felt an abundance of love. I was an abundance of love!
From my readings and understanding of energies, I knew these energy surges or "high," is sometimes described as a “quickening,” sometimes described as Chakti, or Sumati. Whatever the name, it comes directly from God; the Universe. These experiences began to come to me every night, waking me up. The feeling of intense love lasted for two to three hours before I was able to fall back to sleep, and awaken fully refreshed. I’d learned from others that this could extend for twenty-one nights or more and that I was raising my vibrational frequency to a new level.
As I began meditating regularly and focusing on the breath, I noticed a balancing of the energy to a more sustained level of over the entire day. I began to feel a stronger awareness and insight. Throughout the day I felt peace, space, calm.
I ordered the book, The Proof, and began the experiment, focusing on the daily intentions, listening to the podcasts, feeling my connection grow, feeling gratitude for my growing awareness, and gaining knowledge and understanding of the significance of my own true self and the meaning of Presence.
Things happen for a reason. I believe the energy healing I experienced provided an opening for my consciousness to transform and connect to Oneness. Only in the last few months have I been aware that the people in my life have been instrumental in helping me awaken. Even the readings have given me important messages of why this has happened to me at this time.
Eckhart Tolle describes a spiritual awakening as happening when it is meant to happen, for the greater whole and its purpose. Tolle talks about the “disruption of outer purpose” and describes the dark side of connection as necessary to bring about a deeper awareness, to finding one’s inner purpose and the arising of a deeper outer purpose that is aligned with the inner. “What is lost on the level of form is gained on the level of essence,” Tolle writes.
Similarly, Twyman and Coman describe the “Shadow of Oneness” where our dark and constricted places are brought to the surface and release a gift of Oneness as they are healed and transformed. As the pain is revealed and surrendered, there is more room for love to infuse itself.
I find that as I read The Proof with others, and meditate daily, I feel a calm silence about me. I feel my connection strengthen. I see the signs of my impact on others visibly and daily. I have no doubts about the power of being Present and my place in the Universe, connected to everyone and everything. I am aware that I draw people into my life who help me and who I help. I am transforming as the earth transforms.
I also know this connection to the Universal energy is a gift that comes with responsibility.
I am empowered and look forward to a future of our conscious making. The energy that flows through me and everyone else is a gift of awareness, intuition, and unconditional love, and with these gifts, we can affect each other and the earth upon which we live, in profound ways.
As waves of love flow through me, I send them out for the earth’s greater good and healing. I send love to those in need, and to my loved ones. I envision and feel peace, love, compassion, and strength.
I am connected.
Rosanne Lindsay
As a single mother of 4 teen-agers, I sometimes find myself feeling a sense of aloneness. Therefore; in December, 2009, I made a commitment to do two things in the New Year. One was to participate in the ‘oneness experiment’. The other was to join the Global Volunteer Network to hike Mt. Kilimanjaro; in Africa, as a fundraiser for African orphanages. I had hoped that I would be able to juggle the reading of my 2-3 page daily oneness lessons with hiking a mountain. It did prove difficult when I got altitude sickness and was plagued with pounding headaches, dizziness, nausea, weakness and sleeplessness. Each night, I would lay in my tent; wearing my headlamp, trying to turn the pages with my mittens on. It was sometimes hard to focus; but, I always felt a sense of hope after reading my daily lesson. I felt a oneness with the beauty of the mountain, my new hiking friends (from countries around the world); as well as my African guides. The sense of belonging that I felt carried me to the top of the mountain, back down; and, into the arms of African orphans. I felt a kinship to every baby and child that I held. I am unsure if is my oneness experience or my African experience; or, a combination of the two; but, I am forever changed. I do not feel alone. I am not alone. I have traveled to another continent; and, have experienced a oneness with the people and the place. I now know that we truly are connected. We are one! I love you all! I am!
Lori Taylor
Early in the experiment, by day 7 I had become very busy and missed reading day 7 and 8. On day 9 I caught up with it and realized that I had practiced 7 and 8 unknowingly on their respective days. I found that to be very interesting. Since then I have had to, on occasion, read that day’s practice at the end of my day and I always find something that pertained to that day relating to the practice...hmmm...
I'm thinking there has to be some kind of powerful connection for that to be happening.
You are all " fucked" now and you know it. We have the CONYMAN - CONYANDOS. You are all " fucked" now and you know it. CAPES SIN to CAPLITCO- DOVELEO. You are all " fucked" now and you know it. I smell your gutless skins, and they're not even lampshades. Not yet. Not yet. Not yet.
ReplyDeleteYou are all " fucked" now and you know it.
ReplyDeleteWe have the CONYMAN - CONYANDOS.
You are all " fucked" now and you know it.
You are all " fucked" now and you know it.
I smell your gutless skins, and they're not even lampshades.
Not yet.
Not yet.
Not yet.