Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Total humiliation. A lousy score on a SIMPLE exam

.Well, I took the stupid electronics test for the Rockwell Collins job fixing avation electronics. You know, autopilots for 747's and junk like that.
.Okay. Maybe i'm biased here because i'm having to go back to a repair technician job. I got past that level of work fifteen years ago. But a job's a job and right now that counts for a LOT.
.But it still pissed me off. Here I was all scared because I couldn't remember electronics theory and all, so I spent the week trying to review my books from college. None of it was sinking in until Monday when I wrote a journal thing and cleared some baggage from 2007 - the year from hell. All of a sudden it all came back. That had been over a woman and a relationship that I wasn't man enough to let go of. But I love her, so I hung in there. No wonder I've been pushing women away ever since. (well, until now, it seems)
.So today I went to PSU to take the test. And ya know what? It was all first and second semester basics. It was actually a good test for the job, and I would have written it the same way. But the study guide they had given me led me to think it would be much more advanced.
.But it was when i finished that I REALLY got peeved. All I got for a score was 87%. That's embarassing. I feel like an idiot. It doesn't matter that I haven't thought about analog electronics for some fifteen years, but still. This was the basics. Heck, I couldn't even remember how to calculate amplifier gain in decibels. There were stupid logic circuits that threw me for a loop. It was ugly, my friends. I am very very humiliated by this experience. Never again. I'm gonna power up my workstation at home and start building some practice circuitry.
. Anyway, sorry if this doesn't have anything to do with Oneness. I just need to blow this off. Gawd, I feel stupid!


  1. since when does a score of 87% constitute a lousy? who's talking here?

  2. ego is talking. fear is talking.
    the memory of extreme lonliness..
    the fact of significant-others who interfered with my career is talking...
    the past is throwing a tantrum....
    this experience prompted me to release that past.
    now is here..
    now i am here/now...
    now i am finding a partner with whom we enhance each other....
    The past is gone, as i move on, travelling down this dusty road. Humble and confident.

  3. I just now read the exercise about Humility of Oneness. I guess i was in tune with that around the electronics exam. Yup. From now on i'm gonna do my best to read these daily.
