Friday, October 9, 2009

The Softly Booming Voice of God

The Discipleship of Oneness
.[in my opinion...] This is the crux. Here is the beginning of Newness. Here is where we truly begin to be aware of our Oneness with God/the Universe/All. Here is the trailhead that leads to budhahood. If we pay attention to any of these lessons, may we pay attention to this exercise now and in every moment of our eternal lives. God is continually showing us about life and living. This is the breath of life. The word spirit means this - the breath that God breaths into us. This breath, this spirit, is composed of information in many forms; Words, emotions, trends, happenstance. It comes to us by many media; books, trees, people, animals, comedy, astrology, scents, illness, clouds, our own bodies, minds, and hearts.
.Thus far in this Journey we have learned to be aware: aware of trees and people, attitudes and thoughts, our own breath and the breath of the world around us. Now we put this mindfulness into receptive holistic action. Now we begin to consciously gleen the messages God gives us constantly. Earlier I said that if we listen carefully we will hear a tiny little voice; when we tune into that tiny voice it booms like a bass drum! That is the voice of God. (God: our higher power as we visualize it to be. this may be Jesus, the Council of Twelve, angels..)

.Listen to the children. Watch the cats as they play. Find messages in your own body. Read your holy scriptures. Talk with friends. Go to school. Read fortune cookies. All of these!
.Then WELCOME THE CHANGES IN YOURSELF THAT GOD INVITES YOU TO ACCEPT. These changes will be, at their core, shifts in your own awareness, shifts in your own cognition, shifts in your own paradigm.
.In the world of Intending we find that by shifting our own thoughts, the world changes around us. Even when things might actually BE the same, to us they become vastly different. And it goes beyond that.
.Noel McInnis suggests that we be like water. Allow ourselves to flow around the rocks of life. That does not mean to ignore them. That means to allow ourselves to integrate with the river. Allow the river to shape us. No, that does not imply we should be pansy pushovers. We still have discernment and responsibility. That does mean to be attentive to the lessons that present themselves in blatant or subtle ways. Watch for coincidences. Listen to lectures. Use discernment about what you accept to yourself and what you discard.
.Of all the exercises thus far, I personally regard this one as the most vital to your personal growth as a god/goddess. I speak this with the experience of several decades of having practiced this exercise. Please regard this one with care and fervor. Please make this one part of your own beingness, now and always.
Even beyond that, you will likely be amazed at the difference this exercise makes in your beingness, such that you will likely hear about it in comments from other people.

This is the Trailhead to Oneness.
This is truly about the Discipleship of Oneness.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I think this is the crux. I am having a really hard time with this one right now. Intense resistance and some deep sadness. Guess that means it's working on me...
