Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Turning Point - Who is John Galt?

Along the course of 'Listening' to the Voice of God (that which is 'spoken' by the Universe) it happened today that the overview of my Statement of Purpose of This Lifetime became evident, and was ratified in a conversation during a chance meeting with an Intender named Karen. (..a significant name in my life, on a par with John/Jonathan and Sharon/Shannon..) This kingpin revelation merely bespoke what I already knew of my life-long intentions. Yet it was the context that allowed the kingpin to fall into place.
. This is much like the assembly of a jigsaw puzzle. With the frame of it and many of the pieces inside having been put together, the placement of one particular piece enables the puzzler to gleen the overall picture of it. "Aha!", the puzzler exclaims, "This is a becoming a picture of [some sailboats, a garden]" ...whatever it looks to be a picture of.
.When I was a young man, twixt bar-mitzvah and adulthood, I dreamed of affecting the world. During the 'sixties in L.A. my mentress was a hippi named Sharon. My heros were John Lennon and Wavy Gravy. During the seventies my mentor was an activist and science fiction author, John F. Carr, and my heros were John Galt and myself. {Who is John Galt?} For the year before my bar-mitzvah I thought carefully about what God Job i would like to perform/be as an adult. I chose to be a Prophet. (Man o' God: 'other duties as assigned') (umm.. bad career choice. anything else might have been majorly easier. i don't recommend it. but then, i tend to do things big. one might think i'm from texas. sort of a bull in a china-shop full of porcelein matadors. if this sounds arrogant, well, you don't see what you have not yet seen. (i truly wonder if Teacher has seen?))
.Is a pattern emerging here? All my major influences were social activists, and my career path reflects that. I drop pebbles in the calm waters of the collective pond. I ask little questions here and there, sending ripples out to la-la-land. Those ripples come back in the form of policy changes within individuals and small or large organizations.
.Today I went to my favorite chapel, Mocha Momma's Good Coffee(.com) in Sellwood to read a book lent to me by a very important friend, Whitney. The novel is Ishmael, by Daniel Quinn. One particular sentence stood out and changed my destiny. "A culture is a people enacting a story." This sentence is said kingpin. The puzzle piece that tied all the other pieces together. How so?
.In the New Consciousness we are aware that "All the world is a stage and we are the players." (~Will S.) In sociology we know that a culture is a unified group of individuals, an entity; ie, a single player... a people. The unification factor is called Group Mind or Collective Consciousness. The 'story' being told is an improvisational stage-play in real life. In psychology we know that people, and cultures, recieve and act out 'behavioral scripts'.

The stage is set. We see a pub. People laughing, joking, telling the stories of their lives. Big people, little people. In the shadows sits a dark figure. Silent, watching, listening. One of the Men says to avoid that one... he's a Ranger, and those kind are always up to something; trouble runs before them like adventures... no one knows his name, but he is called Strider. be continued...



  1. Ah but who's the director of our improv drama?! Is it Ego or the One Who is our common Source of our call and passion for life and life actualization (tikkun olam/ healing completing the world from the place of our innate oneness with Eheyeh asher Eheyeh)?

  2. A very good question, Jeff.
    Let's be alert to this consideration as we each write and/or enact the scripts we play out.
    We here are being astute about such concerns, and this Oneness Journey certainly leads us to be aligned with and follow God's lead. It also encourages us to let go of unrealistic egoism (ego).
