Wednesday, September 30, 2009
New Oneness Awarenesses
Bees keep kissing my nose. Bugs fly around my face for a few seconds as if to say hullo. Dogs are exceptionally friendly. (Portland dogs are like that already, but more so now.) Cat's who've never met me come by for a petting.
Of course there's the usual run of strange people starting up deeply personal conversations. (Portland people do tend to be strange. Nothing new in that. =)
There's more stuff going on, too.
I'm getting more aware of the personal energy of people. (partly from this Oneness Journey, and partly from a certain energy-work exercise several weeks ago.)
I'm getting more aware of my own personal energy. (which also has to do with other growth-oriented awareness practices in my life, as well as this Oneness Journey.)
Many of us are seeing identical growth and beingness patterns happening among many different people.
Me personally.. I'm getting to where I can better differentiate what thoughts and emotions belong to me and what belong to others. (this sounds 'woo-woo', but is actually part of behavioral science and metaphysics.) Still need practice with that one.
These Oneness exercises fit exactly with whatever happens that day. Even if I don't read them until later on. In fact, this whole thing fits exactly with the impetus of my life right now!
Anyone else having this or different stuff?
Monday, September 28, 2009
Recurrant Patterning
To me it looked like the aerial view of a river's tributaries, the delta of the Ganges in Bangladesh, the pattern of the cracked desert surface, the branches of a tree. This is all in me! We are all One.
Shadow Fear & The Day of At-Onement
The holiday begins with sunset and it's traditional to wear a white garmet that's traditional to wear at Yom Kippur, at your weddubg, and for your burial when you die. It's all about facing and going through our fear of death and mortality to connect to the One Who is beyond the here today gone tomorrow dimensions of our lives.
And how do we start the observance! We make a public declaration that it is permissible for sinners to pray together-to make it clear it is not only permissible but expected for us to look at our mess-ups; but there's another dimension too- the very core of the holiday is fasting and repetitive chanting and connecting to G!D's love and oneness, and wrapped inside that are prayers of reflection and confession including where we tap our hearts to release ourselves from the grip of things we need to let go of either individually or collectively. Also included are practices (extending before and after Yom Kippur) to reconcile and reach at-onement with each other as well as with the One Who is the Source of all life and love and our passion for life.
In the end I guess this journey of at-onement is the journey of life for all of us from all of our backgrounds to bring the love and energy of the One to release and join with all the blocked places so there's nothing left but the One. May it come soon and in our day.
I took a class in Photoreading and learned many lessons. One was telling myself WHY I was reading a book? What was my Intention: to learn, memorize, gather a few facts, find out a piece of information, enjoyment, to study, etc.. Be stating my Intention, my mind then Knows how to process and use the information I desire. It know what state my body needs to be in and what my goal for this experience is going to be.
During this 40 days, there were a couple days I missed reading the lesson for the day, however, later when catching up, I found myself already living it, even though I had not yet read it! That is the great part of being part of a group! I made the Intention to participate and live these lessons as I can, doing my best I can do right now. I am sure I will revisit them again and again.
I am grateful for this opportunity because I doubt I would have gained nearly as much merely reading the book in a few sittings. Having the messages come once a day at least slows down the process and I can read one a day with excitement and not be overwhelmed by an entire book!
Endless Love, Morgine
Being Childlike ... filled with Wonder & Humor
Being childlike led me into a funny day where I let go and saw the humor in every moment…
To be brief without the entire story…
I gave my new little dog a bone to chew while attempting to get her to be calm around our 26 yr old bird. Later noticed my older dog outside the room and decided he must hear Cedar chewing so gave him one other piece that was left and put him outside. My room mate’s dog Lexi was asleep on his bed in his bedroom and I assumed might not hear, since I had no more bones.
Later I am taking time to make a lovely dinner, a bit complicated, while listening to a recorded class on my computer. I stop to give the dogs some cheese crumbles from grating and my room mate’s dog is not in the house. I call and call and finally I hear her come barreling in the dog door in back and her mouth is covered with fresh dirt! I walk to the back porch and on my newly vacuumed and washed tile floors are two piles of dirt and a bone about 3 inches wide and long covered and filled with dirt. I attempt not to laugh!! Even if I was not an animal communicator, (which I am) I can just hear Lexi ….”Well you gave the other dog a bone and not me, so I went and found my own!!!”
So I did not get angry, cleaned up the dirt, washed out the bone and let her go our front and chew in peace and back to my dinner. Well I was still laughing about the dog and added the sauce ingredients to my loaf!! So had to make more sauce. Then this morning I found the caramelized onions and carrots and zucchini I put in the freezer to cool, still there and not added in!! I am still laughing about it all. Today I will heat the veggies and pour them over the loaf when I eat it!! I am smiling ear to ear, realizing how I would have responded in the past. Now in my new state of Oneness and child like wonder, I just found the humor in all of is instead of making anyone less than Divine!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Creativity as Oneness
As I have been doing fall cleanup this last week and getting ready to pull the weeds who all knew I was gone for 3 weeks and grew huge in my absence, I had the attitude of "just get it done" and then I began to enjoy the doing and how much better it looks. I am even forgiving the raccoons who climbed on top of my grape arbor and ate every one of my grapes.
I am enjoying the 40 days to Oneness but I need a week for each lesson, instead of one day. I will go back over the lessons at a later time.
Thank you Firehearts for being there. Love, Irene
The Rhythm of Oneness
Drunk on My Desire...
The calm inside me
In the space where I can breathe
I believe there is a
Distance I have wandered
To touch upon the years of
Reaching out and reaching in
Holding out holding in
I believe
This is heaven to no one else but me
And I'll defend it as long as I can be
Left here to linger in silence
If I choose to
Would you try to understand
I know this love is passing time
Passing through like liquid
I am drunk in my desire...
But I love the way you smile at me
I love the way your hands reach out and hold me near...
I believe...
I believe
This is heaven to no one else but me
And I'll defend it as long as
I can be left here to linger in silence
If I choose to
Would you try to understand
Oh the quiet child awaits the day when she can break free
The mold that clings like desperation
Mother can't you see I've got
To live my life the way I feel is right for me
Might not be right for you but it's right for me...
I believe...
I believe
This is heaven to no one else but me
And I'll defend it as long as
I can be left here to linger in silence
If I choose to
Would you try to understand it
I would like to linger here in silence
If I choose to
Would you understand it
Would you try to understand...
~ Elsewhere, Sarah McLachlan
Surrender in the Oneness
This is a lifetime practice...this becoming one...embodying oneness
Revealing wholeness
Gently, easy does it
Releasing the need to embody all now
Taste what is offered
Trust the larger unfolding
Know your heart, soul, body, mind
And the Sweet Uni-Verse
Has registered your YES to Oneness!
Allow the unfolding, the merging
and the emerging
to happen
through the being doing dance
in this field of Oneness
that is being created
through the dignity of Grace
in, through and around you!
Divine Female
Divine Female: Open your heart.
Divine Female: Let shine your magnificent beauty, oh Creator, oh blessed Sacred heart of our mother!
Divine Female: Your wings are strong, your feet planted, your smile and eyes are jewels for our hearts to witness!
Oh Sacred Woman of the Forest! Seed of Life! Star Child sister friend! I call you to step forward to your rightful place!
Stand firm in yourself!
Be the roots, the trunk, and the branches.
Merciful Lady of my heart, please purify my soul so all men and women may know your infinite wisdom.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Going Deep
is there a space somewhere inside that resonates here? Is it damp and cold enough? Are there things I am willing to give up to open my heart to the world. To love, to live. to be. I find that some days I realize the truth and even might start to feel it working through me. The pure light, the shining star, the divine love inside of me. How precious it is and how sad it seems that so many of us deny it. So many of us don't even see it. Some never see it actually. Going through life in a daze of the ego mind. Where nothing is as it seems.. like Alice in Wonderland.
going deep
I come to this spot inside of me where I have always known the divine. Where it is a best friend who has been with me throughout each and every journey. side by side, holding my hand through all of it... the good, the "bad".. the ugly. The terrifying things that are even unimaginable to me right now. The divine in me forgives this though, the divine forgives me for getting lost in this ego mind that so easily consumes so many.
going deep
there is a small lamp decorated in lace and pale violet velvet. An antique that is so beautiful there are no words to describe. I read by this light. I see by this light my true face. My true inner essence. My true strength and destiny. Oh, destiny... what did you have in mind? ha, how funny it is I address it as though it were another ego mind itself. but only when we excuse ourselves from this chitter chatter of the ego self do we find true freedom, peace, happiness. Just remember.. note to self: You can be the observer of this thing we call "ego" and you can listen to it chatter about rampant and fearful things filled with drama and lies.. and you can have compassion and understanding for it's force trying so so so desperatly to hold on to you with all of its little might.... observe, but don't believe in and drown in this ego self. It is yet another expression of you.. but on a deeper level.. NOT YOU at all.
going deeper
Love. I feel that someone holding me gently and tenderly is possibly all I have ever really wanted. Stripped of money and all things material the one raw want/need remains to be held. To be known, to be seen.. for who I really am; a divine spirit who longs to simply love and be loved.. live and let live. For peace. No more anguish and man made pain. No more story after story told over and over again to keep myself the same. Ego mind teaches me to be nervous and to have no patience with myself. Teaches me to hold on to the past and think of the future.. neither of which exist.. and to keep me in a selfish trap of insanity.
Ten minutes up and there is always so much more that flows....
Now to meditate...
loosening the grip
i loosen my grip on life
return to the pace, the rhythm, the breath of oneness
easy does it
ease accomplishes miracles
grace moves mountains
surrender frees the captive
i am loosening my grip
inside and out
trusting the natural unfolding
i can and i do
when i move from within oneness
when i stray into separation
i attempt to dominate and control
my life
breath, inhale and exhale
i see the macro culture of domination and control
in the micro culture of my being
and in this moment
i choose to shift into
knowing that the universe
that this one song that is living me
that is living us
is conspiring for my good
which is inextricably connected
to the good of the whole
loosening the grip
i return to my heart
to the heart of oneness
the source of unconditional love
lives here
in this simple temple
her ways our subtle
yet clear
the heart knows
i will dwell here today
allowing the unfolding
listening for the emerging
watching for god
in the most unusual places
loosening the grip
freeing my soul
this is the spontaneity of oneness.
i release
i let go
i let the spirit
my spirit
run my life.
yes my arms are open wide,
yes i'm only here for love.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Irrational Disbelief Syndrome
I was in the via negativa not the via creativa.
Or rather, I encountered all the voices that stop me
when I move towards an essential creation,
a potent, powerful creation...a divine creation
so much fear
so much judgement
so much terror
so much self-hatred
the other side of creation
is negation
this is what is asking to be healed
within me
for the creativity of oneness
to flow
self, life, love
my fears
not smart enough
not brilliant enough
too simple
i've walked the narrow path
now i am between a rock and a hard place
a friend recently said, "i am finding there is sooo much room between a rock and a hard place."
s u r r e n d e r
today i stay with my self
and after hours of beating against the rock
i fall down exhausted
tears come
and the door opens
i begin the book
i google the alchemy of love
the google ad for some fiber bar says...
(i kid you not!)
"You might be suffering from Irrational Disbelief Syndrome"
Beautiful, I've even created my very own syndrome.
That's how powerful I am.
Now, to turn that power towards the via creativa...
I embrace this darkness in me, this fear, this terror, this unworth, this hatred.
I rock those parts gently, I will love them into wholeness.
I am still scared and I am willing to go beyond fear.
I am willing to be an instrument
of the alchemy of love.
Creating Wondrous Rainbow Kaleidoscopes!

I've found a wonderful way to take a "creativity break" in the midst of more linear work...a Kaleidoscope Maker application -- found at
(Look! Look at the beautiful kaleidoscope image that I made my very own self! It makes me so happy to see the colors singing on the screen!)
I let my hand on the mouse move in synchronicity with Oneness and gorgeous rainbow symmetry emerges on the screen...mirroring the kaleidoscope of life...I watch the colors burst forth as my hand dances back and forth, around and around, up and down...
The wildly creative child in me that delights in color and form and making something beautiful -- with such freedom and ease! -- is entranced.
Come make kaleidoscopes with me, all you lovers, all you dancers, all you wild rainbow makers! The world bursts forth in prisms of delight...all we have to do is let our creative juices flow!
Halfway through and not there
I'm printing out all the exercises to save for the 40 days of my choice. The current 40 days aren't working for me. The exercises require far more of my attention than I am able to give to them right now.
I think 40 weeks (a pregnant number) feels more appropriate to these exercises - one exercise per week. As they are presented - one a day - seems to me to require A LOT of attention to them - more than I am willing/able to give right now on a daily basis.
I need time to integrate. Time to process. Time to really hold this. For me these exercises, as presented, comprise a retreat, a daily practice within an unstructured day...or week....or month. Or 40 weeks.
Funny, isn't it, that Oneness, which is what we are, needs a practice, although duality, which we are not and have been living, requires none, due to familiarity .
Oneness, that we are, needs re-membering. We are urged to remember now because it is time to re-member. The acceleration of time says so. There's no time! Re-member.
This Oneness is our birthright. Yet we have to re-member it.
What to do?
Put aside everything else for this? Right now? Heart says yes. Soul says yes.
Mind says -strongly - no time. Life says - strongly - no time. Mind is choosing.
Relationship needs immediate attention. The Other (duality) is needing/wanting something. I'm meditating: the breath of Oneness, the embrace of Oneness, heart of Oneness. The Other doesn't grok this, doesn't compute this. Life interrupts. Heart is not choosing. Soul is not choosing.
The Other (the duality) is mirroring me, reflecting me. What is this, this part of Oneness that I can't compute, can't hold, can't own?
When it is your time to hear, you hear; your time to see, you see; your time to know, you know. I need quiet and uninterrupted time for this process - this process that I know is so valuable, so fundamental, so urgent.
This past 18 days has not been my time. I thought it was but it's not. I see my time coming. It's very soon. The intention is there. It will be attained.
Thank you, Anakha, for this opportunity.
We Blossom Together...

Yesterday was a day of flowering -- sinking into the blossoming of oneness -- noticing how full the world is of flowering beauty...
I experienced the blossoming of a new friendship as Jonathan and I took a walk around his neighborhood, stopping every few houses to sniff the flowers...from the expansive blooms of roses to the tiniest of tiny pink flowers, to the bright sunspots of dandelions (completely edible...always a reminder to me that the world offers nourishment even in the guise of "weeds"...I could never starve as long as dandelions survive and proliferate!).
And our conversation ebbed and flowed as our awareness of each other and our own selves blossomed... a gentle revealing of tender places in our hearts, of letting questions emerge, of the shimmering multivalent paradoxical dance of otherness and sameness. Fear and trust. Yes and No and Not Yet.
The sense for me was palpable of there being layers of Oneness -- of the connectedness between each of us in this wild blooming garden of a world -- that unfold themselves slowly, gradually, like the infinitesimal opening of a tight flower bud in the sunlight of spacious compassion. My new friend and I just let ourselves "be" with each other, let ourselves bask in the warmth of a slow, grace-full, growing trust. Knowing it's okay to let things unfold, like the unforced blossoming of a flower, like the gentle unfurling of a new leaf in the spring.
A seed doesn't germinate unless the conditions are just right. When they are...when the warmth and the sunshine and the rain penetrate the rich darkness of the earth that has nestled the seed through the harsh is only then that the life energy held dormant within the seed quickens and bursts into new green life.
It feels good to let the warmth of Oneness penetrate the soil of my heart.
It feels good to sink into allowing the gentle opening of compassionate connection.
It feels good to walk in the sunshine with a friend, inhaling the fragrance of flowers through my nose, through my pores, letting the rich colors caress my gaze.
Allowing Love to open and astonish me to the depths of my being -- so I can release all that is not Love and blossom even more fully into the fullness of God's presence.
Alone and together....

....i travel through this life. i've learned about lotus births, and would chose that if i produced a child. However my own path was adoption, with lots of drugs to knock out my mother as she was so ashamed and traumatized by the idea of giving me up. So i came into this world through a fog of unconsciousness and disconnection.
i've been unraveling this over the last many years, as it has set quite the 'separation' tone in my life. i've been aware of and acknowledged my personal support crew for some years now...they come in many guises - parking fairies, sunshine sprites, sleep safe keepers, invisible intuiters, and even more fleshy material forms! i am grateful for the guidance, assistance and comfort that i continue to receive.
Now we're going deeper. Beyond the 'me-and-my-team' to the 'we-are-all-one' paradigm. i'm thankful for these daily reminders and explorations that are helping to ground this monstrous idea into my personal reality. i'm grateful to all of you for sharing the journey, and deepening that morphogenic field, so it is easier for us all to 'get-it'. i'm appreciative to my support crew for already knowing we're connected and enduring my now dissolving insistence on separation.
Becoming More Godly
the more godly you become.”
— Osho
This quote in today's practice reminds me of another that has been a long-time favorite...from Rudhyar, a wonderful philosopher of the 20th Century.
not really artists . . .
they conceived their activities
in terms of life,
in terms of doing things,
of accumulating power,
of commanding elements,
of being master of natural forces
in order to live a more intense, freer existence.”
— Dane Rudhyar
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Oneness Blog from Amira
As I have been participating in the Oneness project I was initially aware that my inner self, my Soul self already knew all about this project. I also already knew it would become a world wide event….. we have all been creating this on many levels and I was aware this was simply a part of the next vibrational shift for the planet…. So I wasn’t surprised when you announced it was going global on Nov. 1. Many of us have been receiving information and guidance for years, actually all of us have and our choice to tune in to our inner guidance and the time we allow ourselves to truly connect creates how far along and how able we are to listen and receive guidance.
As each of us is able to connect with our awareness that we are all connected to each living being throughout the Universe, we become aware of our impact on ourselves…. We are to go forward with only LOVE….. it is all so very simple… and in so doing we create amazing events, moments, thoughts, exchanges, ….. watching this process and knowing that I am connected and perfectly, divinely placed in my life and in this time and space is a gift in each moment….. Know that we are all doing exactly that which we are meant to do…. And to Breath into each moment…..
I use a practice that was given to me by my inner guidance a few years ago…. Visualize a waterfall of white light coming down through your body going out your finger tips, down through your chest and belly, thighs, legs and toes…. Send the waterfall of white light down into the Center of the Planet and wrap it around the Center a few times… .allowing it to release….. In this manner it connects you to the Light Bridges and Inner Nets of Light so that whom ever you need to connect with will know how to find you…. You can also visualize healing energy being sent to others in the same manner, by holding awareness of them as you do this process… Sometimes I visualize them in an energy ball between my hands, and send the energy into the Center…. I also am giving awareness of what I am to do by accessing the Light System. It works quicker and more easily, more effectively than cell phones… and we are just beginning…. Time is Concurrent… and when we are present with ourselves aware of our connection to all that IS….. we create what ever we choose…. We can work with past trauma, changing events by choosing differently…. Connecting to our Oneness is simply realizing that it is so…. And these practices create the awareness that makes it a living part of our existence and when we do this it changes everything….
Thank you Anakha and James for bringing these high teachings forward just so…. And for including the format, they are presented in , the wisdom from other high teachers…. Know that you are each placed perfectly where you will receive the assistance from all the Universe to do this work…. play,…. Pleasure……. Life…. That we will create. We are all ONE….
I had a young man I work with pass recently and his mother told me as he was dying, he uttered this as he took his last breath…… I AM…..thus… just so…
Many blessings. Amira
The Blossoming of Oneness ~ I Am!
i want to know this deeply
Listen to the Message of the Flowers
This morning, I read and thought about the Blossoming of Oneness. After my morning workout I was prompted to stop and buy flowers; deep wine-red petals surrounding a laughing yellow center mixed with scalloped green leaves and brown stems.
As I shaped a fall bouquet I was taken back to the years I lived and worked in Japan. Every Sunday morning I headed to the morning market, chose my flowers for the week and climbed the steep stairs to the unheated classroom where I joined a group of Japanese ladies learning the art of Ichibana.
Noone spoke English and my Japanese was limited to simple phrases, "Where is....", "How much is ...." etc.
Yet I learned. The instructor often sat beside me (or leaned over me) telling me (In Japanese) that I was to listen to the flowers becuase they would tell me how they wished to be arranged, where they should be cut in order to create the best arrangment, or how to wire their stem so that it turned the exact angle needed to create the the story being told.
And you know, those flowers did talk to me, just as today's flowers did, not in words but in the telepathic form in which we so often recieve our messages.
Listen to the message of the flowers as they give you unconditional Love.
soup - sandwich....
The Gift of Presence
When our mindfulness embraces those we love,
they will bloom like flowers.”
— Thich Nhat Hanh
This quote from today's practice is having a real impact on me. It's helping me drop more fully into the reality of Oneness. For much of my life, I've been drawn to service. My intention has been to be a LightWorker helping midwife humanity's evolution. From that place, I acquired a variety of things I could do: sending people healing energy, clearing spaces energetically, etc.
I, in fact, became quite good at doing in general for others: wives, children, friends. My limitation was in being...truly being...being present. Indeed, I've had a lot of veils, walls, illusions and other protective constructs that profoundly limited my presence. Hence, I've had limited impact on others' real blossoming...I was actually not serving all that well.
The past 15 months, especially, I have been increasingly aware of the truth of what Thich Nhat Hanh says and moving more and more deeply into the reality of that...but there's something about his clear articulation in the midst of my own immersion in this 40-journey we're taking that enables this knowing to deeply penetrate my heart.
Everything is Waiting for You!
Your great mistake is to act the drama
as if you were alone. As if life
were a progressive and cunning crime
with no witness to the tiny hidden
transgressions. To feel abandoned is to deny
the intimacy of your surroundings. Surely,
even you, at times, have felt the grand array;
the swelling presence, and the chorus, crowding
out your solo voice You must note
the way the soap dish enables you,
or the window latch grants you freedom.
Alertness is the hidden discipline of familiarity.
The stairs are your mentor of things
to come, the doors have always been there
to frighten you and invite you,
and the tiny speaker in the phone
is your dream-ladder to divinity.
Put down the weight of your aloneness and ease into
the conversation. The kettle is singing
even as it pours you a drink, the cooking pots
have left their arrogant aloofness and
seen the good in you at last. All the birds
and creatures of the world are unutterably
themselves. Everything is waiting for you.
-- David Whyte
from Everything is Waiting for You
©2003 Many Rivers Press
What Kinds of Flowers?
.I knew a woman who is like the Prickly Pear Cactus Blossom. Soft, colorful, sweet, not much fragrance. Strong, able to survive long summers in the desert of life, providing nourishing water to this parched desert traveler, dangerously prickly with tiny thorns. (Perhaps the last of the many cuts on my heart have healed now, as well as the love-yearning to be with that beautiful blossom of the desert... a desert i no longer trek. Gone.. gone. It is done.)
.A lady I met on (long ago) asked me, "Do you prefer Roses or Daisies?" She likened herself to a daisy. Simple, colorful, very hardy, gently fragrant. As I got to know her, I found this analogy to be extremely accurate. And I found her to be a very beautiful daisy.
.Today's awareness exercize has me going! Can ya tell?
.This morning I got stuck in mezmerization on a street corner, having a 'norman rockwell' moment. Watching the various 'flowers' go by, the women and men of Sellwood, with the miriad colors, scents, gentle touches, and the occassional pinprick of thorns. What a beautiful creatures we are! What a wonderful garden we are! Yay us!
.What kind of flower am i blossoming as? I don't know! My companions see a much different sort of blossom of me than i do. Where i see a dandylion, you see a sunflower. Where i see a pansy, you see an orchid. Where i see straw flowers drying in the desert sun, you see a lotus blossoming in a life-rich pond.
.The more i blossom into whatever sort of flower i Really Am, the more like that blossom are the people who gather around me. I tell you, it's getting downright weird, that. It's downright disconcerting. NO! It's Upright Concerting! It's harmonizing! It's Tintinnabulous!
We are all flowers of the same garden. Together we are a bouquet of splendid beauty!
Yay for Us!
Integration over Alienation
This was a very cool realization to feel embodied in.
we are all created and are creating equal
In oneness we are all created and we are all creating equally.
There isn't a contribution more important or less important.
There isn't an expression of Divine Life more beautiful, more powerful, more esteemed than another.
Every single person and every single life form are playing their exact part in this universal creation, be it a symphony or cacophony.
The differences in perceived power, intellect, worth are illusions.
We are all accessing and expressing different information, inspiration and connection
and that expression appears and manifests in a myriad of ways, and yes sometimes disguises.
There are no differentials in power.
All are powerful or all are not.
All are important or all are not.
There are no actions more holy or sacred than others.
Yes this blows some serious bubbles into the judging mind, the categorizing and comparing mind.
I feel humbled by this awareness that I am struggling to articulate, but yet it feels life altering.
I feel an opening to love in my heart actually seeing this vision of oneness.
We are all having our being in this life with equal perfection.
Each of us playing the role we have been given.
There is no lesser or greater in this oneness experiment.
A question of evaluation or assessment leads nowhere.
How can I embrace this idea of Divine Equality?
It is beyond equality...more innate, more intricate...
We are all co-creating in our awakening and our slumbering.
Who says awakening trumps slumbering?
The slumbering creates the awakening and the awakening creates the slumbering.
You and I are one.
Translating profound awareness that descends like a feather in my knowing is difficult.
I am grateful and I am curious about how this awareness will change my life, my perception of my self and others.
So be it.
Desire is the answer to God's question, "What do you want?" It goes beyond duty to passion. Which is the life-giving force. I have not allowed this enthusiasm into my life much. I have done my duty. John Eldredge's book DESIRE has been a big help.
To follow desire in a "oneness soup" means that I am making waves with each thought and deed. Making it important that I somehow keep my intention on what I desire with faith that it is
worth the trip. Because it is uncharted territory. As duty is replaced by the energy of desire.
Which may be a more important, and joyful, responsibility. We'll see.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
breathing into now
heart pounding
in a cloud of unknowing
what is this life
that is living me
and what is wanting
to emerge
as me
through me?
i sit sifting through the
mystical treasures
of this journey into love
simple and complex
the path
sourced in presence
unfolded in emergence
allowing what is
to become what is
everything builds
in this wild spiral
of inclusion
everything feeds
everything activates
the oneness swirls
there is only one
and that is
a oneness sourced
through the full
embodiment of love
both mystical and erotic
the nature of essence
is constantly living
in the core
of life
the thinking mind
when love
comes to call...
i dissolve
i dissolve
and in this dissolving
new life is created
sourced from the void
of tender vulnerability
and the elixir of ecstatic bliss
oh god, make your love mischief
in me
devote me to your cause
enlist me fully
in making love real
here and now.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Dear Jesus:
I must live in a city of Angels.........
When visualizing my sadness I see myself on my knees, looking up toward the heavens with my
arms outstreched signifying total surrender to my Lord...Rain showering me with a message of hope, understanding, purity, and love!!! I surrender to my Lord, my whole life, mind, body and soul!
Now I am going to continue to touch, I am such a toucher, I love to touch, mental touch is such a special touch!
GOD is LOVE!!!
tuning my body
the instrument
my body
I walk
the ocean’s
between toes
waters embrace
I notice
the incredible pain
of walking
has suddenly
been washed away
it became
the sea
© Morgine Jurdan
echoes of love
the naked truth
in the soil
of my ever blooming
with love
dying new
into the
next opening
as my senses
tasting myself
the drums in my ears
tears rivering my cheeks
in the tongues
of myself
never ending
of love
© Morgine Jurdan
Friday, September 18, 2009
what is seeking to emerge?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
filling the vessel

to the still point within
less commotion
more calm
more in my center
and i also
releasing and flowing through
this expanded channel
bringing me to more inner clarity
who i am
and what
i am saying yes to
what i am giving my life to
i am feeling love
for my own self
in a new, organic
natural -- not self-help-therapy
sort of way
natural, native
love for self
for being
and a heightened awareness of
how important it is to
take care of this
everyone take care of
your vessels
and the fabric of
oneness will
be restored
here and now.
i am grateful
for these practices
the subtle simplicity
the natural elegance
the potent power
the clear way of being
they evoke.
i am loving
in this moment,
indeed all is well
all is well in the Life.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
From my journal this morning...
My goal is to walk in a state of neutrality, consciously giving what energies I have to the task at hand, infinitely rooted in my deepest truth.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Listening to God: Faith at a Bible Study
.The bible study group met every Wednesday evening. As the facilitator, each week I would ‘listen’ to God to receive the topic for the next week’s meeting. God would inform me of the study topics in many different ways; via people, printed material, or any other media. And it would always be totally obvious. But that's another subject. (or is it?)
.Anyway, this one particular week no such communication came through. That afternoon I had reviewed the events of the week, checking if I had missed something obvious or subtle. As people gathered for the meeting I was acutely aware of not having a topic ready. “Hey, God!”, I called out. “Look, i can come up with a topic on the spur of the moment by myself, but that’s not the arrangement We had. You said You wanna pick these. Okay. So pick one!” One of the details of listening to God is trusting that God will come through - same as with anyone else, I guess. Trusting up to and beyond what we think of as the last moment. The word faith comes to mind here.
.The people gathered into a circle of chairs in the sanctuary. I dawdled my way over to the circle, all my senses alert for any sort of Oneness. I didn’t feel cut off from God; but neither was God speaking to me at the moment.
.I took my seat at the foot of the circle. (? ~ not sure how that works, but there it was) We did our opening prayer and our check-in. Then it was time for the meat of the matter and the Chef had still not served up the platter, so to speak.
.There’s a cool trick people like to use in listening to God. Pray for communication and open a book (typically a Bible) to a random page and read a random verse. This begets seemingly fortuitous results, yet the ‘answers’ can be amazingly pertinent to the needs of the reader.
.So I asked each person to do just that. Eight studiers, eight bibles of varying interpretations and languages, eight randomly selected pages.
.The first person read their verse. I think it was something about a guy who got stuck in a well for a week. Cool. Next verse: A bunch of people felt like outcasts in their own culture. And so it went. A bunch of totally unrelated stories. Until...
.Around the fifth random verse someone made an observation. Every verse read so far was about Faith. In fact, the word faith was actually contained in each verse. This held true for all eight readings.
.When the last person finished reading we had our topic. Faith.
.When the last person finished reading I knew what the message for me was: that God acknowledged my faith that God would communicate with us in some way. S’he did. Right on time, in the moment.
.The trick of it was allowing God to speak in any way S’he chose. No attachment to specific outcome. No limitations on the method used. No expectations of what God would or would not say. No requirements about who God would communicate through, if anyone. No requirement about when God would speak. And finally, accepting what might have seemed like a fortuitous set of coincidences, as being a serious mode of communication with the Source of Oneness.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Oneness of Smiles in Willamette
The b-day party was at a park in what is now called West Lynn.
I didn’t wanna be there.
Crowds overwhelm me – too much input.
And that morning i had a major attitude.
Not a bad attitude, exactly – but most definitely not a good one.
But i wanted to be with my friend and that’s where he went, so there i was.
We watched some kids perform in a dance competition.
For a while I paid attention to their smiles.
Most of the kids wore the perfunctory fake smile, as they fretted about getting their steps right.
A few of ‘em seemed to be totally digging what they were doing.
My pal and i wandered onward.
Soon i noticed that those kids had the only smiles in the park.
People looked just plain glum! What’s up with that?!
“Hey man,” i says to my bro’, “how come these blokes ain’t smilin’?”
Now, my friend is a new thought practitioner, and them folks come up with unexpected stuff sometimes.
He says, “They’re not smiling because you’re not smiling, Jonathan.”
I said, “Dude. I’m one person out of a hundred here. How would i affect all them? Besides, this is their party. They don’t gotta smile if they don’t wanna. But hey..sure might be more fun for ‘em if they did.”
“So smile, Jonathan.” My friend gets on a track sometimes.
That’s okay. I get on a track too. “No.”
Well… i kinda mustered up a forced, one-sided, little stretch of a corner of my face.
More like a sneer maybe. Didn’t let my buddy see this of course.
Eventually i got it shaped into something that almost passed for a upside-down frown.
Just then some guy a hundred feet away grinned at his friend for just a split second.
Hmm…That was a funny coincidence.
Also by coincidence, my fake smile got a little easier to fake.
This appealed to the instigator in me. So i put on a big cheshire cat grin.
It was funny ~ folks far away started smilin’ as much as people close up.
As if folks didn’t have to actually see me grinnin’ ‘fore they got affected.
One of the vendors did see me grinnin’. She started smilin’ extra too.
It was ON!
By the time we made one round of the fair a half hour later…
Almost all of the people in that park were happily similing.
Now the place had the aire of a town b-day party.
“A smile is something you can give away and give away..
..and end up with more than when you started.” ~ Debbie Strider
Moral: new consciousness practitioners seem to know stuff about Oneness.
= D
Why Were We Born
Certainly the answer is not found in the outer world. We were not born merely to amass money and things. We were not born to a certain career, no matter how noble. We were not born primarily to be a member of a specific biological family.
In my knowing, we were born to be a certain frequency or color or flavor in this web of consciousness known as living on Planet Earth in a human body. Our unique Self is not something to become - it is something we already are. We are, in truth, that which we seek.
That sounds simple when taken at face value. And it is!! Any complexity comes from the world of thought and stories about what is.
"All day I think about it. Then at night I say it. Where did I come from and what am I supposed to be. My soul is from elsewhere, I am sure of that. And I intend to end up there. ~Rumi
Sending blessings, Vishara
Catching Up
Wisdom while at the ocean…
Lessons 1 - 6
Finally I truly get it …
in my bones
in the cells of my Being
I Am that I Am
this is Enough
I am enough
I am Everything
how could I ever be less
I am Perfect as I am
nothing to do, be or have
I Am it all
Every piece and particle
nothing left “to do”
everything to explore, discover, celebrate
taste, savor, inspire, create
everything and everyone else is
perfect too …
no one and nothing to change
only choices to make
which road to take
which river to jump in fully
seeing where it takes me
savor the flavors and stay in
or jump out and try another one
letting go
surrendering into my soul
peace silence
presence permeates me
everything is here to serve me
gives itself
give me
only gifts and more gifts
my perceptions cloud clarity
deep grooves channeled my mind
blind I have been so many times
what do you see god asked
(me looking at a logged hillside)
wounded ground, pain, sadness
what do you see god asks again
destruction, damage, erosion
what do you see god asks again
breathing I paused
opened my heart
becoming the hillside
you, I answered
a hill
some trees cut down
my mind had created the rest
fashioned stories
made judgments, drew conclusions
predicted the future
I often do this
all day long
people, experiences objects
all wrapped inside my stories
clarity only comes
when I surrender them all
let go
breathing the silence
opening my heart
becoming the Oneness
clarity emerges
I can see
with love
no conditions
no stories
the truth reveals itself
is freedom for us both
I breathe in love
I breathe out love
perfection awaits me
Morgine … living as love September 2009