Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Simplicity of Being

As I do the daily practices, I am reminded of how simple living can be: not always easy, but simple.

And yet, as I do the practices, they are also easy. Gentle. Graceful. Beautiful. Rich.

Things don't need to be as hard or complicated as I tend to make them. "No pain, no gain." "If there's no struggle, then something must be off." It's time to let go of these stories and embrace my humanity.

Breathing; opening my heart; listening; engaging my senses; slowing down. So basic, so vital, so essential, while simultaneously deep and profound. As I do them, I feel the basic joy of being alive, and a fluidity in my life. Suddenly, things that seemed challenging and complex are becoming quite clear and effortless. I am remembering that there's not a whole lot to do; how a lot of my life has just been busyness to make me feel better about myself, with no real purpose.

I am connecting to essence.

I am simply being.

I am relaxing into the now.

I am here.

1 comment:

  1. But we have credentials in struggle! We've earned our mastery in it...the hard way, naturally.

    But, seriously, nice description of a post-efforting reality.
