Friday, September 25, 2009

Halfway through and not there

Thank you, Anakha, for your contribution of The Oneness Experiment. I appreciate it as a valuable practice.

I'm printing out all the exercises to save for the 40 days of my choice. The current 40 days aren't working for me. The exercises require far more of my attention than I am able to give to them right now.

I think 40 weeks (a pregnant number) feels more appropriate to these exercises - one exercise per week. As they are presented - one a day - seems to me to require A LOT of attention to them - more than I am willing/able to give right now on a daily basis.

I need time to integrate. Time to process. Time to really hold this. For me these exercises, as presented, comprise a retreat, a daily practice within an unstructured day...or week....or month. Or 40 weeks.

Funny, isn't it, that Oneness, which is what we are, needs a practice, although duality, which we are not and have been living, requires none, due to familiarity .

Oneness, that we are, needs re-membering. We are urged to remember now because it is time to re-member. The acceleration of time says so. There's no time! Re-member.

This Oneness is our birthright. Yet we have to re-member it.

What to do?

Put aside everything else for this? Right now? Heart says yes. Soul says yes.
Mind says -strongly - no time. Life says - strongly - no time. Mind is choosing.

Relationship needs immediate attention. The Other (duality) is needing/wanting something. I'm meditating: the breath of Oneness, the embrace of Oneness, heart of Oneness. The Other doesn't grok this, doesn't compute this. Life interrupts. Heart is not choosing. Soul is not choosing.

The Other (the duality) is mirroring me, reflecting me. What is this, this part of Oneness that I can't compute, can't hold, can't own?

When it is your time to hear, you hear; your time to see, you see; your time to know, you know. I need quiet and uninterrupted time for this process - this process that I know is so valuable, so fundamental, so urgent.

This past 18 days has not been my time. I thought it was but it's not. I see my time coming. It's very soon. The intention is there. It will be attained.

Thank you, Anakha, for this opportunity.


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