Yesterday was a day of flowering -- sinking into the blossoming of oneness -- noticing how full the world is of flowering beauty...
I experienced the blossoming of a new friendship as Jonathan and I took a walk around his neighborhood, stopping every few houses to sniff the flowers...from the expansive blooms of roses to the tiniest of tiny pink flowers, to the bright sunspots of dandelions (completely edible...always a reminder to me that the world offers nourishment even in the guise of "weeds"...I could never starve as long as dandelions survive and proliferate!).
And our conversation ebbed and flowed as our awareness of each other and our own selves blossomed... a gentle revealing of tender places in our hearts, of letting questions emerge, of the shimmering multivalent paradoxical dance of otherness and sameness. Fear and trust. Yes and No and Not Yet.
The sense for me was palpable of there being layers of Oneness -- of the connectedness between each of us in this wild blooming garden of a world -- that unfold themselves slowly, gradually, like the infinitesimal opening of a tight flower bud in the sunlight of spacious compassion. My new friend and I just let ourselves "be" with each other, let ourselves bask in the warmth of a slow, grace-full, growing trust. Knowing it's okay to let things unfold, like the unforced blossoming of a flower, like the gentle unfurling of a new leaf in the spring.
A seed doesn't germinate unless the conditions are just right. When they are...when the warmth and the sunshine and the rain penetrate the rich darkness of the earth that has nestled the seed through the harsh cold-time...it is only then that the life energy held dormant within the seed quickens and bursts into new green life.
It feels good to let the warmth of Oneness penetrate the soil of my heart.
It feels good to sink into allowing the gentle opening of compassionate connection.
It feels good to walk in the sunshine with a friend, inhaling the fragrance of flowers through my nose, through my pores, letting the rich colors caress my gaze.
Allowing Love to open and astonish me to the depths of my being -- so I can release all that is not Love and blossom even more fully into the fullness of God's presence.
Beautiful, Ruba. I love it when you allow yourself to simply be and write from that place...talking to you last night after you had posted this, there was a groundedness and power in you that is not always present.
ReplyDeletePlus, seeing "multivalent" again after a long absence in my life was a treat as well:)