to the still point within
less commotion
more calm
more in my center
and i also
releasing and flowing through
this expanded channel
bringing me to more inner clarity
who i am
and what
i am saying yes to
what i am giving my life to
i am feeling love
for my own self
in a new, organic
natural -- not self-help-therapy
sort of way
natural, native
love for self
for being
and a heightened awareness of
how important it is to
take care of this
everyone take care of
your vessels
and the fabric of
oneness will
be restored
here and now.
i am grateful
for these practices
the subtle simplicity
the natural elegance
the potent power
the clear way of being
they evoke.
i am loving
in this moment,
indeed all is well
all is well in the Life.
Please keep posting assurances like this, Anakha. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteagitation and love all flowing through this e x p a n d e d channel- YES! Between this work of oneness, the alignment to at-onement of my Jewish New Year practice, plus my network spinal analysis energy breath work, this alchemical full body heart mind spirit transformation is happening for me as well. Encountering external stresses and challenges I'm still tightening in a few places (subtly in my heart and a couple vertabra), but then I've also been breathing and opening through them and really feeling the expansion of my life energy central pillar and my capacity to be present and experience and respond to it all without getting stuck. Pretty awesome!