Monday, September 14, 2009

naked edge

on the edge of something
feeling vulnerable
the mystery of what is
old fears dance
around this fire
that I am
nightmares of the past
here to be
so that a new
story sourced in oneness
can be written
on the sacred text
of my life
i am healing
i am healing
so many years
trapped in separation
i am healing
through the letting go
oh so much letting go
to become who I am
in essence
in subtlety
finding my native nature
in the stillness
in breath
in my naked vulnerability
in living on the edge
and spilling open
grief, joy
rage, bliss
all a part of the whole
of creation
that lives
and has
it's beingness
in me,
is holy now.

1 comment:

  1. i experience you as an utterly new story

    ...and it's as powerful as any i've ever seen
