Wednesday, September 30, 2009

New Oneness Awarenesses

Is anyone else having this?
Bees keep kissing my nose. Bugs fly around my face for a few seconds as if to say hullo. Dogs are exceptionally friendly. (Portland dogs are like that already, but more so now.) Cat's who've never met me come by for a petting.
Of course there's the usual run of strange people starting up deeply personal conversations. (Portland people do tend to be strange. Nothing new in that. =)
There's more stuff going on, too.
I'm getting more aware of the personal energy of people. (partly from this Oneness Journey, and partly from a certain energy-work exercise several weeks ago.)
I'm getting more aware of my own personal energy. (which also has to do with other growth-oriented awareness practices in my life, as well as this Oneness Journey.)
Many of us are seeing identical growth and beingness patterns happening among many different people.
Me personally.. I'm getting to where I can better differentiate what thoughts and emotions belong to me and what belong to others. (this sounds 'woo-woo', but is actually part of behavioral science and metaphysics.) Still need practice with that one.
These Oneness exercises fit exactly with whatever happens that day. Even if I don't read them until later on. In fact, this whole thing fits exactly with the impetus of my life right now!
Anyone else having this or different stuff?

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