Certainly the answer is not found in the outer world. We were not born merely to amass money and things. We were not born to a certain career, no matter how noble. We were not born primarily to be a member of a specific biological family.
In my knowing, we were born to be a certain frequency or color or flavor in this web of consciousness known as living on Planet Earth in a human body. Our unique Self is not something to become - it is something we already are. We are, in truth, that which we seek.
That sounds simple when taken at face value. And it is!! Any complexity comes from the world of thought and stories about what is.
"All day I think about it. Then at night I say it. Where did I come from and what am I supposed to be. My soul is from elsewhere, I am sure of that. And I intend to end up there. ~Rumi
Sending blessings, Vishara