Monday, September 14, 2009

In really dropping into the presence of this moment and the fullness of my being, I find I am triggered by the excess of talk of love, light and bliss going on here. There's a whole lot of darkness and struggle against the confusion and contraction energy that is just as real as all of the beauty and light. Yes, it's all one, but the lack of mention of the shadow, darkness and icky tough shit seems to me to not be as authentic as it could in all this talk of unity and oneness.
I needed to say that the dark is just as valid as the light and he richness and struggle there is maybe even all the more worthwhile. I cannot just embrace the light until I've really looked the demons in the face as best I can and seen them for how real they are.
"The discipline of sufffering, of great suffering -- do you not know that only this discipline has created all enhancements of man so far?" ~Friedrich Nietzsche


  1. Yes to the shadow, to the darkness, to the constricted places...yes to allowing, embracing it all. Practices 21-30 focus on the Shadow, the Fear, the Constriction, the Heartbreak. The first 20 are about energizing the expansion to create a field for the opposite to surface, transform, integrate, etc. into greater wholeness.

    From this morning's email:

    Your YES to this journey, to embodying Oneness, activates the seeds within you, within your core consciousness and within your cells and nervous system. Your committed daily practice demonstrates to the Universe your willingness and your desire to be an expression of this Oneness and your surrender to allow the transformations to occur deep within your being and your life. I invite you to continue to say yes, to continue to be willing and to continue to use these practices to fuel your journey into an expanded and deepened experience of the living Oneness. Say Yes, be willing!

    Many of you have reported experiences of deep connection and well being -- a communion with the Source and with all life! Continue to use these foundational practices of rhythm, breath, sound, gaze, heart, body and rest to ground and root you in this consciousness.

    As you continue on this journey you will encounter your own "personal oneness curriculum." As you increase your connection and embodiment of oneness, anything that is unlike it, anything that is vibrating at a lower frequency , anything constricted in "separation" consciousness will arrive and arise for healing, release and transformation. When this occurs, CELEBRATE -- this is one of the miracles of this 40 day journey -- the healing of separation! Allow the consciousness of oneness to envelope and surround and heal whatever content is surfacing. Gently observe what is, with as much grace as possible. Be still and know I AM. Know for certain that the Divine is on the playing field, cleansing and clearing and aligning you for a new experience of oneness with your Self, with others and with all life. Let go, grow, become and blossom.

  2. Tell us about the shadow...the dark...the suffering that you are experiencing within and as the Oneness...please...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Dude - take the lead and bring it to the blog - your shadow, your darkness, your edge - let's hear about it!

  5. I know I'm on the verge of stepping into some very bright light and expansively opened awareness because the darkness around me right now is suffocatingly close to where my energy is tapped out and the depth of apathy is surprisingly freaky, even in the midst of knowing how natural it is in the flow and ordered balance of life's unfolding . . .
