Saturday, September 5, 2009

Connectedness Near and Far

. Among the many ways people connect, some are obvious and some are subtle. Consider plain speech. We talk or write among ourselves,sharing thoughts and emotions this way. By communicating we are connecting; we are becoming more 'one' together. A more subtle way of connecting is by sharing cultural norms. For example, fads and trends are ways that individuals exress oneness with each other. This is evidenced by the formation of groups of like-minded individuals, such as boy-scout troops and classic-car clubs.
. There are more subtle ways in which people create oneness. Recent research has revealed that tiny particles of scent travel from one human to another which elicit certain types of physiological changes in that other human. These are called 'pheremones'. This is actually a primary form of communication among some species of animals.
. More subtle still are telepathic and telempathic connections. Empathy can occur via non-verbal communications such as facial countenance and gestures. Telempathy (feeling someone else's emotions from a distance)happens also. Typically among family members, sometimes we just know when someone we love is having a rough time of things, so we call them on the phone. Telepathy (thinking someone else's thoughts at a distance) seems to be more rare, but still happens. There are many historic cases of people writing the same articles or inventing the same devices simultaneously, in seperate countries. Many of us have had experiences in which some thought just 'jumped into our heads' completely out of context of what was happening in our lives at the time; only to find out later that a friend of ours had just given a lecture about that very topic.
. There is a growing awareness of such things. Research has shown evidence that such connectivity does happen and is measurable. Experience has shown that such connectivity does happen and can be nurtured and increased.
. My own personal experiences with such things are truly amazing. In this Oneness Experiment I am hoping to create new connectivity experiences, and gain skill about the doing/being of it all.
. Here We Grow! Together!

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